Christchurch Football Club Board Announcement - Resignation of CFC Chairman and Director

Viv de Beus - Chairman



It is with deep regret that the Board accepted the resignation of Viv de Beus as Chairman of the Christchurch Football Club and the board itself.  Viv’s resignation will apply as soon as a replacement is confirmed by the Board.

Viv is not lost to us but will be spending a large portion of his time overseas taking on new challenges.  His decision was not taken lightly and was considered best for the club.

The board thanks Viv for his immense contribution to the Board and club over the past 42 years.  His leadership has been highly valued by all and will be sorely missed.


Jimmy Summerfield - Director



Earlier this month Jimmy Summerfield also resigned from the Board due to other commitments.

This was a very difficult decision for him to make and the Board supports him with this decision.


It is important to note that Jimmys resignation is not effective yet as he is very happy to continue to offer support and guidance to our new Complex Manager, Jen Muller as she settles into her role.


Jimmy’s hospitality and management expertise has enabled us as a club to better understand our operations.  How we operate, streamline our systems and better focus commercially.


We wish Jimmy all the very best and thank him for his great support.  As with Viv, he will not be lost to the club, and we are sure we will see him down at the clubrooms.


From the Board

Firstly, both Viv and Jimmy would like to take this opportunity to thank all board members, and the staff, Nicola, Stephanie, Jen, Roger and Lana.

The Board, including Viv and Jimmy, are working on its next steps in the coming days, at which point in time it will be able to provide clarity moving forward.

We reiterate that both resignations are not effective immediately.

The Board continues to function as usual with support from World Co and Oxford Edge Accountants and remains unified in its direction.

We look forward to providing further updates soon.

If you have any queries please contact John Lane (021-651-417) or Andre Thompson (021-352-312).

Article added: Tuesday 18 July 2023


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